Total number of exam paper downloads: 339,804

Entrance Exams & Past Papers

We are admissions exam experts and can confidently say that we have completed more 13+ and 11+ past papers than anyone else on Earth: over 200 schools and over 6,500 exams! Preparing children to successfully pass exams to get into the right school is our passion.  We know a good exam when we see one, and the very best way to prepare for school entry is to take and learn from the very entrance papers used by schools in the past.  What better practice for school admissions could there be?

We offer by far the largest collection of free eleven plus past papers and thirteen plus past papers available on the internet. The vast majority of what we have here is absolutely free, so use it!  To search for any of our thousands of exams by school, age or topic, simply use the search function on the left (you can search using multiple fields, eg. “Dulwich College” then “11+” then “English” to get Dulwich’s 11+ English papers).  Good luck to your child! N.B.: We offer volume discounts on purchases of 50 or more papers.

To keep your child motivated and eyes fixed on the “prize” throughout the exam process, we’d recommend keeping a journal such as 1% Better Every Day. Making their own daily and weekly goals helps our students stay on track of their studies. By focusing on daily tasks, the exam process doesn’t seem as overwhelming. It’s win-win as they’ll feel good about self-attainment and you don’t have to do as much pushing!

Read more: Keeping a Journal



We are admissions exam experts and can confidently say that we have completed more 13+ and 11+ past papers than anyone else on Earth: over 200 schools and over 6,500 exams!

Total number of exam paper downloads: 339,804

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